Springdale Veterans of Foreign Wars
Inaugural 5K “Veteran’s Day Race”
November 8, 2014
Inaugural 5K “Veteran’s Day Race”
November 8, 2014
Family Fun Walk: Baby Stroller Friendly Course
Benefits Local Veterans and Community Organizations
Registration (by October 17, 2014) Fee: $20.00
After October 18 and on Race Day Fee: $25.00
T-Shirts guaranteed to pre-Registered runners only
Custom designed Awards for Age groups: 9 & Under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 and over. Awards: Top 3 overall men and women.
Location: Start across from the Springdale VFW on Lincoln Avenue
Start Time: 9:00 AM
Course: Mostly flat through the streets of Springdale.
For simple and easy ON LINE Registration please visit: www.register.runhigh.com
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Make checks payable to: Springdale VFW
Mail to: Race Application c/o Springdale VFW, 1511 Pittsburgh Street, Springdale, Pa. 15144
Name: ______________________________________________ Birth Date: ____/____/______
Address: _______________________________________ Phone: ________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________
E-mail (optional)________________________________________________________________
Age Race Day: _________ Sex: M____ F____ Shirt Size: XS____ S____ M____ L____ XL_____
Signed: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________
(Parent or guardian signature required if under 18 years of age). WAIVER: My signature on this entry releases all sponsors or individuals from any liability, which may result from this event.
Packet Pickup & Race Day Registration: Springdale VFW, 1511 Pittsburgh St., Springdale, Pa. 15144
Donations: Please send donations to: Springdale VFW, 1511 Pittsburgh St., Springdale, Pa. 15144
Payable to: Springdale VFW.